My name is Iqa, and I have loved cooking for as long as I can remember. That is why I created this story of all the recipes I inherited from my Late Grandma. That love came from creating something new, combined with my love of food, and also seeing my Late Grandma cook. From when I was little and would spend time at her house, she showed me her cooking books. I would see her read the books, then chip out the recipes she wanted to try and prepare them on a notecard to keep them organized. She pass all of the recipe cards that she had either cut and made or written herself from her lifetime to my mother. My mum had all of her recipes, many were made from before I was even born.
My Late Grandma was a cook at a canteen in Changi Cargo Canteen. Cooking for thousands every day. She also became a private chef for a family later on in life, all while cooking meals and baking desserts for her children and grand children. she even told me, “I always felt I wasn’t a very good cook, I just have good recipes.” These recipes I inherited are from my mum and also recipes that she used from her many jobs.
Inherited Recipes.
After I was given recipes from my mum's mom, My Grandma passed away when I was 14, but when she is talked about, her cooking and baking is always brought up because of how incredible it was.
I remember her cooking all the meals on our family picnic trips, and baking our raya cake with her. I always hear all the time about how great her Roti Jenekit were. I wanted to find her old recipes if they were still around 16 years later, and behold, my grandpa did have a stash he graciously gave me.
I have said it before , but even though my Grandma is no longer with us, I have felt more connected to her than ever cooking her recipes. I know that is something we would have shared if she was still here.
I started cooking with no knowledge, no tools, no special equipment, and I have learned to be successful, in my own eyes. I want my soc meds to be a place for people to come, who may not have any experience, or fancy equipment, to be empowered and be able to say to themselves “I can cook this!” I want people to be able to approach my instagram and feel like they can be successful too! The recipes I make are older, and sometimes done the old-fashioned way, but that means that there is usually no special equipment required!
Like being approachable, I also want to be an encouraging space for people to come and read. I know it can be intimidating reading certain recipes because I have been there! Seeing the most Instagram-worthy, perfect, pictures can be intimidating! That is why I want my instagram to encourage people who might be questioning their cooking skills! I want them to feel encouraged and empowered to be able to tackle any recipe that I post! Also meaning, not all my recipes are going to be picture-perfect 😉
These recipes are built on family tradition, coming from my Grandma, some of these recipes have been staples in my family’s gatherings for as long as I can remember, and I hope these recipes that can pour over into dishes that can be shared and enjoyed by many families.
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